Plan A Visit
We are excited that you are planning a visit to Kingwood First Baptist Church. Our church longs to fellowship with one another and spend time in biblical community. Whether you're planning to visit on a Sunday morning or Wednesday evening, we look forward to meeting you. About UsContactService Times
Sunday Mornings
Worship Services
LifeGroup Bible Studies
Sundays | 9:30 am
Wednesday Evenings
6:00 PM – Orchestra Rehearsal
6:30 PM – Adult Bible Studies
6:30 PM – Preschool/Children’s Activities
6:30 PM – Uth Worship – 3rd Floor
6:45 PM – Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM – Worship Band Rehearsal
We know that walking into a building, unsure of where to go or what to do can be nerve-wracking for some. That’s why we have greeters at every door on Sunday to welcome you and help you find your way. If you would like to feel more prepared in advance, please e-mail us or call the church office. People will be ready to assist you on your first visit. Come as you are, we look forward to meeting with you.
I’m Visiting….
This Sunday!
Welcome! We are so excited that you are visiting with us this coming Sunday. There will be greeters at the door to help you find a LifeGroup if you would like to attend one.
You can see the list of available LIFE Groups here.
If you would just like to visit our worship service, join us at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. The entrance to the Sanctuary is under the large portico on the east side of the building. Our worship service is also available via live-stream on YouTube.
Before you leave at the end of service, please stop by the Welcome Table in the foyer as we have a small gift for you.
With a Nursery Aged Child (Nursery Care is available during 9:30AM LifeGroup and the 10:45AM Worship Service)
Arrival and check-in for all of nursery aged children
Here you will be greeted by our friendly staff and volunteers who will ask you to complete important information about your child and contact information for parents.
Every Preschool aged child, Kindergarten and below, participates in an electronic check-in system which includes printed name tags and security tags unique to each child weekly.
After you have shared important information about your little one and received a security tag, one of our staff will escort you to your child’s room.
Each of our classes
Nursery aged children will have
Parents of nursery aged children will want to bring a diaper bag with your child’s name, extra diapers, and a change of clothes just in case.
Parents will be asked to present the security tag to the classroom leaders before their child will be released.
With a Preschool - Kindergarten Aged Child
Arrival and check-in for all
Here you will be greeted by our friendly staff and volunteers who will ask you to complete important information about your child and contact information for parents.
Every Preschool aged child, Kindergarten and below, participates in an electronic check-in system which includes printed name tags and security tags unique to each child weekly.
After you have shared important information about your little one and received a security tag, one of our staff will escort you to your child’s room.
Preschool children begin at 9:45 in a life- group class. Each of our classes
11:00 brings a transition as children move into our Kid’s Kingdom program which combines 4yo-Kindergarten for a time of worship and group activities designed just for preschool children.
Parents will be asked to present the security tag to the classroom leaders before their child will be released.
With a 1st-5th Grade Child
- During the 9:45
hour children in 1st-3rd grade attend LifeGroups which allow them to dive deeper into God’s word inage appropriate environments.
- During the 11:00 hour our 1st-3rd graders attend “KidsTown,” an
age appropriate worship experience!
- 4th – 5th graders make up our 45 Express class at 9:45. This LifeGroup challenges and encourages our 4th and 5th graders to explore God’s word in a more in-depth setting and attend either worship service in the Sanctuary with their families.
With a Student Grade 6-12
The 3rd Floor is where all things Uth happen at KFBC. Life Groups for students happen at 9:45AM. Send your student on up or walk up with them and you will run into student or adult greeters to help you find your way. There is a small group Bible study for each student where they can connect with friends and make new ones. Once Life Groups let out students leave the 3rd floor and head to the to Worship in the Sanctuary.
With Special Needs or a Disability
Open Arms is KFBC’s ministry for people with special
I'm Looking for a LifeGroup
LifeGroups are small groups of people meeting together each Sunday morning to study God’s Word and share relevant applications to their lives. We help each other with struggles, celebrate victories, and pray for each other.
There are many different LifeGroups available for you to develop intimate, lifelong friendships. These groups are organized by marital status, gender, and/or age if you prefer. Here is a complete listing of our Adult LIFE Groups.
On Wednesday Night
Beginning January 2021 Kidzlife for all children from 6:30 –
The 3rd floor opens for Uth activities beginning at 5:30 pm. A snack bar is available.
On a Holiday Weekend
We are excited you want to visit with us on this upcoming holiday weekend! Traditionally holidays such as Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years, Easter and Thanksgiving are special times at KFBC. We look forward to your visit but
Many times during the holidays, our service times change. To check to see if any times have changed, please call the church office (281)358-4266.
Parking can be difficult during holiday services. There is overflow parking on the west side of Woodland Hills at Woodland Hills elementary with a courtesy shuttle.
Our Beliefs & Values
Kingwood First Baptist Church believes that Christ came to give us life and give it more abundantly (John 10:10). Our purpose is to build a community of faith in Jesus Christ by living God’s word and loving all people.
We operate under the L.I.F.E. strategy:
Loving God Passionately
Matthew 22:37-39
“…you shall love the lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and foremost commandment. The second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Inspiring Biblical Community
Hebrews 10:24-25
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Following His Truth
2 Timothy 1:13
“Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”
Engaging in Multiplying Disciples
2 Timothy 2:2
“…and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”
“Go into all the world and make disciples!” – Jesus All of what we do as a congregation is in obedience to Jesus command to make disciples. As we experience LIFE together through Jesus we will become a body of believers focused on being more like Christ in order to share His love with others. As we do this we will move from simply being disciples to becoming disciple makers.
Who We Are
Our Pastoral Staff
Any member of the pastoral staff will be happy to talk with you and answer any questions that you may have. Please email them directly or call the church office to schedule a time to meet in person.

Frequently Asked Questions
What musical style service do you have?
Kingwood First Baptist is a multi-generational church. With ages represented through our senior adult group all the way down to the nursery. Because of this we strive to provide a place for all to worship and build unity among the Body of Christ. With so many represented we employ a blended style of worship in our service on Sunday mornings. It is not uncommon to sing the traditional hymns alongside modern worship music. The blend of worship styles as well as the unity among the generations makes worship a meaningful time each and every week.
Is the Pastoral staff accessible ?
Yes, all of our Pastoral staff enjoy getting to know members and guests alike and are available to visit as you catch them around the church or connect with them by calling the church office or sending an email. They often schedule meetings, lunches or a coffee to get to know members and guests better.
Do you have a special needs ministry?
Yes. Our special needs ministry is called Open Arms. Learn more about the ministry here.
Do you have on-site parking?
While KFBC does have parking on-site, we also offer overflow parking at Woodland Hills Elementary with a complimentary shuttle.
What is the best way to get plugged in?
Simply, jump right in! Don’t hesitate or feel like an outsider. Make yourself at home and find a small group that fits your stage of life and a group of people you would like to know and commit to a few weeks. Our church is a wonderful family ready to welcome you so don’t feel like you have to wade in slowly. Jump in with both feet and you will find a group of people ready to walk LIFE with you.
Kingwood First Baptist Church
3500 Woodland Hills Drive
Kingwood, TX 77339
Office Hours: