Adult Ministries
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly - John 10:10
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m.
LifeGroups are small groups of people meeting together each Sunday morning to study God’s Word and share relevant applications to their lives. We help each other with struggles, celebrate victories, and pray for each other.
There are many different LifeGroups available for you to develop intimate, lifelong friendships. These groups are organized by marital status, gender, and/or age if you prefer.

Adult Bible Studies
DiscipleLIFE Classes are activities that meet mid-week for men and women. These activities stand apart from our Sunday LIFE Groups but supplement in growing in our relationship with Christ.
KFBC has an active women’s ministry that hosts get-togethers, Wednesday morning Bible studies, and more to minister to women in our community.
Click “Learn More” to see a list of current bible studies and upcoming meetings.

Senior Adult
Young At Heart
The Senior Adult Ministry at KFBC is a testament that fun and fellowship can be had at any age. Our Senior Adult Ministry is one of the most active groups of people that you will be able to find. They are constantly on the move. We provide all kinds of ministry activities to care for our Senior Adults in mind, body and spirit.

Knowledge base
KFBC Library
It’s important to grow and learn, which is the driving force behind the KFBC Library. Open on Wednesday mornings until noon, Wednesday nights, and Sunday mornings, the library offers a wealth of information for kids and adults alike. Follow the library on Facebook for announcements and story times.
Give to KFBC online through the button below or you can give during the service when we take offering on Sundays.
Worship Guide
View the online version of the weekly worship guide. This is a great place to keep up with the happenings at KFBC.
Weekly Sermons
Did you miss a sermon or would like to hear it again? Sermons are recorded and posted online for you weekly.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Matthew 18:20
Kingwood First Baptist Church
3500 Woodland Hills Drive
Kingwood, TX 77339
Office Hours: